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Showing posts from tagged with: birthday

Joel’s Birthday Blog


Why do you love Pilates? I enjoy being able to strengthen and stretch out my body..... any chance to take off shoes is welcome! I have had first hand experience with immediate relief. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? I enjoy the mental Challenge of problem solving with clients in a vulnerable situation, helping them understand whats going on ans what we can do to assist. De – escalating someone who has thought the worst of their situation, Instilling in them optimism and confidence is a great outcome and good feeling.   Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita physio? I have grow up in a small coastal village - I enjoy the friendly village feel. The vibe around town and in the clinic is fantastic. Over the past 4 years I have watched the growth of the town with this and the advancements in technology, The Clinic at Cabarita has come into its own.   Best relaxation tip To relax I enjoy Surfing and gardening. I also enjoy spending time with my wife and Chocolate Labrador Raz. Our Fruit trees are pumping out the good stuff at the moment, when I get home I wander outside (after taking off my shoes!) and pick the fruit and enjoy. Its a great way to slow down and switch off after a full day. Joel studying Best lifestyle tip Many people will know that I have been studying for my Masters in Physiotherapy, I have been practising during this time to take time out and have a surf or do something I love. If you are going to do post graduate study, my advice is to do it slowly, take your time. Favourite activity To go for a sunrise surf with friends.   Favourite recipe My  Nachos and Tacos .. I cook - however I'm the only one who likes it! A typical Sunday An early morning surf, followed by a bike ride with my wife to go and have Mexican!.. I do this every day... except for the Mexican... So wonderful living and working in paradise!   Joel and Kim  

Carly’s Birthday Blog

Why do you love Pilates? I love Pilates because it is a form of exercise that can be modified to suit ANYONE. The layers of challenge you can add are endless. I also love that age is no barrier, it's the practice that counts! What's the best thing about being a physio? Being able to help people reach the goals that are most important to them. No matter how big or small, it's really rewarding to be a part of that journey. I also love that physio can take you in so many directions. From the clinic to the sports field, the possibilities are endless! Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physiotherapy ? I grew up in Cabarita, so it's nice to be able to come back to my roots. It's an amazing community with a great coastal vibe and being so close to the beach is always a plus. But, most importantly, the team is amazing! Best relaxation tip? A nice long walk along the beach followed by some guided meditation.  There is nothing better. Best lifestyle tip? Find something you love and do it consistently. Challenge yourself in some way each and every day. Favourite activity? Doing some high intensity interval training or boxing. It gets the heart racing and the sweat pouring. It's even better when you have some amazing people to work out with. Favourite recipe? Tacos. Need I say more? A special mention to Kai's choc chip oatmeal cookies. If you haven't tried them, you should! A typical Sunday... A nice long sleep in followed by a Pilates workout. I then like to go to one of my favourite cafes on the Coast and enjoy multiple coffees and a delicious brunch. You might catch me running around the rugby league scene in the afternoon. That's my other passion!Carly    

Melissa’s Birthday Blog


    Why do you love Pilates: Pilates is the most effective exercise for my body. Since turning 40 my body seems to want to fall apart at every opportunity it gets, but Pilates is holding me together - keeping my muscles strong and supple.  I love teaching  Pilates and see people move from a chronic pain state to being able to do the activities they want to do in life. One of the great things about Pilates is that anyone can do it and we can tailor the exercises to give you a perfect workout whether you're an elite athlete or about to have your 90th birthday. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? I have been a Physio for over 20 years now and I still get such a thrill helping people: whether it is reducing pain, improving movement, helping people with exercises or empowering people to make the lifestyle changes needed to live a healthier life. Best relaxation tip: On a day to day basis focusing on slowing down the breath and breathing more gently. My favourite way to relax is a hot bath with magnesium flakes, some lavender essential oil and a cup of herbal tea  - works wonders! Best lifestyle tip: Sleep more and sleep with a regular pattern. (9.30-6.30 works for me)   A good night's sleep fixes everything! Oh and gratitude: I try to start and finish the day with thoughts of gratitude for a happier more positive mindset. Favourite activity: As long as it is in nature it doesn't matter: bush walking, surfing, strolls on the beach melissa Favourite recipe: Oh so many to choose from, I love to cook delicious and nutritious food for myself and my family. At the moment our favourite breakfast is an acai bowl, I sneak all sorts of goodies into it: acai, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, spinach, bananas, berries, then sprinkle it with some nuts, seeds and fruit - a great healthy start to the day. A typical Sunday: I love to get out into the sunshine first thing in the morning usually down to the beach with my family and our dog, a stretch session, then settle in to relax with breaky, a coffee and the newspaper.  The afternoon is spent outdoors, usually at the beach having a surf and playing on the beach or if the weather doesn't allow for outdoor activities curling up with the kids for a Sunday afternoon movie.   melissa 2

Birthday Blog – Helen – Fabulous Front Desk Team


Why do you love Pilates? I love the way Pilates makes me feel strong. It is such a great way of strengthening the body assisting with posture, body awareness and most importantly, keeping any niggles of pain at bay. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio? I am lucky in that I work 10 minutes from home and I get to work with such a great team of people. I have personally felt the benefits of Physiotherapy and Pilates and I see the improvements and positive impact that it has on our client’s lives every day, making it a very rewarding job. Best Relaxation tip: Taking a moment each day for yourself. Just stopping to take a few deep breaths, steady your mind and reset/recharge. Best Lifestyle tip: Do things you enjoy and spend time with people you enjoy being with. Favourite activity: Spending time in the kitchen and garden is quite therapeutic for me. I really enjoy cooking for family and friends and just pottering around in the garden. Favourite Recipe: My favourite foods to cook would be Greek or Mediterranean style. I make a delicious slow cooked lamb shoulder – throw the shoulder in the slow cooker with some herbs, spices and lemon and leave to cook for the day. I like to serve it with Cous Cous and a nice leafy Greek style salad. The whole family love it and it’s great for entertaining. A typical Sunday: Sundays for me usually involve a late breakfast, some quality family time and then cooking something yummy for dinner.   helly