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Joel’s Birthday Blog


Why do you love Pilates? I enjoy being able to strengthen and stretch out my body..... any chance to take off shoes is welcome! I have had first hand experience with immediate relief. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? I enjoy the mental Challenge of problem solving with clients in a vulnerable situation, helping them understand whats going on ans what we can do to assist. De – escalating someone who has thought the worst of their situation, Instilling in them optimism and confidence is a great outcome and good feeling.   Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita physio? I have grow up in a small coastal village - I enjoy the friendly village feel. The vibe around town and in the clinic is fantastic. Over the past 4 years I have watched the growth of the town with this and the advancements in technology, The Clinic at Cabarita has come into its own.   Best relaxation tip To relax I enjoy Surfing and gardening. I also enjoy spending time with my wife and Chocolate Labrador Raz. Our Fruit trees are pumping out the good stuff at the moment, when I get home I wander outside (after taking off my shoes!) and pick the fruit and enjoy. Its a great way to slow down and switch off after a full day. Joel studying Best lifestyle tip Many people will know that I have been studying for my Masters in Physiotherapy, I have been practising during this time to take time out and have a surf or do something I love. If you are going to do post graduate study, my advice is to do it slowly, take your time. Favourite activity To go for a sunrise surf with friends.   Favourite recipe My  Nachos and Tacos .. I cook - however I'm the only one who likes it! A typical Sunday An early morning surf, followed by a bike ride with my wife to go and have Mexican!.. I do this every day... except for the Mexican... So wonderful living and working in paradise!   Joel and Kim  

Carly’s Birthday Blog

Why do you love Pilates? I love Pilates because it is a form of exercise that can be modified to suit ANYONE. The layers of challenge you can add are endless. I also love that age is no barrier, it's the practice that counts! What's the best thing about being a physio? Being able to help people reach the goals that are most important to them. No matter how big or small, it's really rewarding to be a part of that journey. I also love that physio can take you in so many directions. From the clinic to the sports field, the possibilities are endless! Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physiotherapy ? I grew up in Cabarita, so it's nice to be able to come back to my roots. It's an amazing community with a great coastal vibe and being so close to the beach is always a plus. But, most importantly, the team is amazing! Best relaxation tip? A nice long walk along the beach followed by some guided meditation.  There is nothing better. Best lifestyle tip? Find something you love and do it consistently. Challenge yourself in some way each and every day. Favourite activity? Doing some high intensity interval training or boxing. It gets the heart racing and the sweat pouring. It's even better when you have some amazing people to work out with. Favourite recipe? Tacos. Need I say more? A special mention to Kai's choc chip oatmeal cookies. If you haven't tried them, you should! A typical Sunday... A nice long sleep in followed by a Pilates workout. I then like to go to one of my favourite cafes on the Coast and enjoy multiple coffees and a delicious brunch. You might catch me running around the rugby league scene in the afternoon. That's my other passion!Carly    

Daniel’s Birthday Blog



I liken doing a Pilates session with rebooting a computer. It clears out all the "junk" and gets the right muscles firing properly. If I do a class in the morning I feel more upright and 'switched on', when I do Pilates in the evening I'm set up for a good nights sleep.

Dan and Ollie


Without a doubt helping people to achieve their goals. Seeing people transform themselves following an injury so that eventually they are stronger and moving better than pre injury. This is the ultimate goal and gives the most satisfaction as a Physio. If someone tells me that they feel better than what they did pre injury or they are able to do something that they haven't been able to do in a long time then I know I have done a good job.


We are always striving to improve ourselves clinically and professionally. I want to stay at the cutting edge of Physio and movement analysis, which means you never get stale in your job.






 Zoodles with prawns and pesto


Hopefully get a wave or two in the morning myself and then head to the beach with the family to take the kids for a surf!

 dan and fam


Melissa’s Birthday Blog


    Why do you love Pilates: Pilates is the most effective exercise for my body. Since turning 40 my body seems to want to fall apart at every opportunity it gets, but Pilates is holding me together - keeping my muscles strong and supple.  I love teaching  Pilates and see people move from a chronic pain state to being able to do the activities they want to do in life. One of the great things about Pilates is that anyone can do it and we can tailor the exercises to give you a perfect workout whether you're an elite athlete or about to have your 90th birthday. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? I have been a Physio for over 20 years now and I still get such a thrill helping people: whether it is reducing pain, improving movement, helping people with exercises or empowering people to make the lifestyle changes needed to live a healthier life. Best relaxation tip: On a day to day basis focusing on slowing down the breath and breathing more gently. My favourite way to relax is a hot bath with magnesium flakes, some lavender essential oil and a cup of herbal tea  - works wonders! Best lifestyle tip: Sleep more and sleep with a regular pattern. (9.30-6.30 works for me)   A good night's sleep fixes everything! Oh and gratitude: I try to start and finish the day with thoughts of gratitude for a happier more positive mindset. Favourite activity: As long as it is in nature it doesn't matter: bush walking, surfing, strolls on the beach melissa Favourite recipe: Oh so many to choose from, I love to cook delicious and nutritious food for myself and my family. At the moment our favourite breakfast is an acai bowl, I sneak all sorts of goodies into it: acai, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, spinach, bananas, berries, then sprinkle it with some nuts, seeds and fruit - a great healthy start to the day. A typical Sunday: I love to get out into the sunshine first thing in the morning usually down to the beach with my family and our dog, a stretch session, then settle in to relax with breaky, a coffee and the newspaper.  The afternoon is spent outdoors, usually at the beach having a surf and playing on the beach or if the weather doesn't allow for outdoor activities curling up with the kids for a Sunday afternoon movie.   melissa 2

Birthday Blog – Shannon


Why do you love pilates:
 It's just like Yoga to resistance... Plus it's fun to relearn how to use your body.
What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist?
 Being a physio is wonderful, I basically just get to chit chat about bodies all day (which I do in or outside of work).
Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physiotherapy ?
The people here are awesome (that includes all you clients too!).
I Love how friendly and supportive everybody has been since the first day I started here.
Best relaxation tip:
 Please breathe
Best lifestyle tip:
 Slowwww down
Favourite activity:
 Playing outside
Favourite recipe:
 Recipe? Who uses recipes? I usually make everything up as a I go!
A typical Sunday:
Wake up, Yoga session, then a nice long late breakfast

Birthday Blog – Helen – Fabulous Front Desk Team


Why do you love Pilates? I love the way Pilates makes me feel strong. It is such a great way of strengthening the body assisting with posture, body awareness and most importantly, keeping any niggles of pain at bay. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio? I am lucky in that I work 10 minutes from home and I get to work with such a great team of people. I have personally felt the benefits of Physiotherapy and Pilates and I see the improvements and positive impact that it has on our client’s lives every day, making it a very rewarding job. Best Relaxation tip: Taking a moment each day for yourself. Just stopping to take a few deep breaths, steady your mind and reset/recharge. Best Lifestyle tip: Do things you enjoy and spend time with people you enjoy being with. Favourite activity: Spending time in the kitchen and garden is quite therapeutic for me. I really enjoy cooking for family and friends and just pottering around in the garden. Favourite Recipe: My favourite foods to cook would be Greek or Mediterranean style. I make a delicious slow cooked lamb shoulder – throw the shoulder in the slow cooker with some herbs, spices and lemon and leave to cook for the day. I like to serve it with Cous Cous and a nice leafy Greek style salad. The whole family love it and it’s great for entertaining. A typical Sunday: Sundays for me usually involve a late breakfast, some quality family time and then cooking something yummy for dinner.   helly  


Birthday Blog – Rosie Remedial Masseuse


Why do you love Pilates:
To be completely honest I haven't actually done Pilates, not that I wouldn't like to, It just hasn't found it's way into my life yet.
But I know that clinical Pilates is one of the best forms of rehab, and fitness out, I'll have to try it soon.
What is the best thing about being a Remedial Masseuse ?
Well as a Remedial therapist the best thing would be being able to help people along in their healing journey, helping them out of pain and therefore enjoying the activities they love.
Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita?
It's a beautiful clinic, by a beautiful river/beach, with beautiful staff. Plus, Pottsville is just 15-20 mins from my house which is a plus.
Best relaxation tip:
Tapping into the breath, giving yourself time to breathe deeply and think clearly. I also like to support myself by using calming essential oils like lavender or frankincense to relax as well.
Best lifestyle tip:
Love and care for yourself! I like to do this in ways like eating healthy and consciously, and finding a nice relationship with exercise, try and do it regularly and make it fun!
Favourite activity:
Dancing with friends.
Favourite recipe:
Baked white sweet potatoes served with quinoa and topped with fresh tomato, leafy greens, avocado, broccoli sprouts and hummus- YUM!
A typical Sunday:
Would probably involve a morning bike ride through the hills or to the beach with my partner or some yoga, or both. I'll probably be putting some love into house jobs too like washing or the garden etc And then possibly ending with dinner with friends or prepping for the week coming.

Birthday Blog – Kai


Why do you love Pilates?  Pilates for me, is the most important and effective form of exercise you can do. It’s the only form of exercise I’ve ever done that feels like every single repetition you do is doing you good. Pilates helped me to become active again after 3 years of not being able to run due to back pain and I’ve seen it help so many other people with injuries to be pain free and achieve their goals. I love the challenge of Pilates and the dynamic nature of the exercise, there are so many ways to push yourself and improve your fitness, strength and core stability. What is the best thing about being a Physiotherapist? The best thing about being a Physiotherapist is being able to help people in need and have a positive impact on someone’s life. It’s awesome to be able to help people understand what is causing their pain and particularly when someone has that light bulb moment when they understand exactly what is going on with their body. It’s also great to be able to meet a wide range of people and to help people achieve their goals. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio? Pottsville and Cabarita physio is a great place to work, full of like-minded people all striving to do their best for their clients and help people on their journey from pain to performance. There are some really great, experienced physios who are fantastic to learn from as well as a great work environment that encourages personal development and excellence. It’s such a supportive and positive atmosphere and really enjoyable to be a part of. Best relaxation tip Best relaxation tip would be to find something that takes your mind off everything and allows you to relax and unwind and to incorporate it into your daily routine. It may be something simple as reading a book or watching a movie, anything that averts your attention and enables you to escape and relax. Exercise would be my other big suggestion. Running always helps me to relieve stress and eliminate my anxiety. You might not want to push yourself to go for a run or go do some Pilates at the end of a big day, but you’ll always feel much better after having done it. I think that having that surge of activity and pushing yourself to exercise always enables you to relax much more afterwards. Best lifestyle tip Find your own form of personal expression. I think It’s important to invest your time and energy into things that allow you to express your feelings and passions and who you are as a person. It can be as simple as practising a sport or hobby, or planting a garden but I think its great to have a creative outlet or something to channel your energy into in a positive way. I also think it’s extremely important to have a consistent exercise routine. I think the importance of exercise is still underrated, and its critical to exercise every day and you’ll feel much better for doing it, and will be much healthier and happier in the long run. Favourite activity For me, I love to surf. It’s been something I’ve done my whole life since I was a little kid. I’ve always loved the challenge and unpredictable nature of surfing, there are so many variables and every session and wave is different to the next. There’s nothing that can come close to the exhilaration and adrenaline felt when you pull into a big barrel, or land a trick you’ve been trying for ages, or just do a really big turn. It can be frustrating at times but I love the challenge and will always be drawn back to the ocean and the anticipation of the next wave. Favourite Recipe Something sweet for sure. I’ve got a very big sweet tooth and love a spot of baking. Favourite recipe would have to be gooey chocolate brownies with raspberry sorbet. Not great for the waistline, but so, so good. A typical Sunday A typical Sunday would involve a nice long sleep in, followed by a big breakfast whilst catching up with the news of the day. Then I’ll head out for a surf and hopefully spend most of the day bobbing around in the ocean getting some waves. I’ll spend the rest of the afternoon cooking up something for dinner and then might enjoy a sneaky glass of white wine while I watch some TV or a movie. Not the most exciting routine, but a nice way to finish the week and get ready for the week ahead.  

Birthday Blog – Mary – Fabulous Front Desk team



Why do you love Pilates? Pilates is great for my overall health and well being. When I do Pilates I feel strong in both the mind and body.
Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physiotherapy? It is a privilege to be part of such a wonderful team and to see the wonderful work the physios do. To be able to witness the change in people's lives as they progress along the road to recovery is very rewarding. I have been working at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio for 9 years now and I've lost count of how many wonderful people I've had the chance to meet along the way. It's nice to walk down the street and say "Hello" to so many familiar faces. As an added bonus I get to ride my bike to work! Best relaxation tip Sitting at the beach or creek with a good book where I can also have a dip in the ocean to freshen up. Best lifestyle tip Getting out of bed early for a brisk walk to get the blood pumping and clear the head is a great way to start the day. Get plenty of sleep and eat lots of fresh food. Favourite activity My favourite thing in the world is spending quality time with my family. It could be swimming at the beach/creek, sporting activities or just hanging out at home together. Favourite recipe  I don't really have a favourite recipe but anything that's quick and easy is great. Lots of BBQ's with fresh salad. A typical Sunday  Waking up early to go for a walk on the beach, followed by breakfast then time with my family which could be going to the creek/beach, sport, helping with school assignments or out for a bite to eat. Then it's getting ready for the week ahead.

Birthday Blog – Matt Bracken


Matt Bracken

Why do you love pilates? In my opinion, Pilates is the gold standard in preventing and managing musculoskeletal health issues. As humans we start to develop bad habits and movement patterns and these patterns aren’t necessarily correct. We do what is easiest in regards to performing a task and over time these movement patterns are reinforced. Pilates slows everything down and breaks apart all the bad habits we have developed. It incorporates and analyses every key movement pattern and ensures that we can do them correctly. From the very basics it allows us to re-learn how to move correctly in a controlled environment and then build on it, gradually changing our poor movement habits that occur on a daily basis and reinforcing the correct ways of moving. We improve our core stability, balance, strength and flexibility. We become functionally stronger and more flexible, which allows us to be more proficient at doing things in a bio mechanically ideal manner and this helps us be injury free. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? Very simply;
  • To be able to help others.
  • To spread knowledge and address an issue, one step at a time.
  • To meet several hundred faces each year and work through each issue, each injury, one at a time.
  • To self-empower people with knowledge and understanding that they can have for the rest of their lives.
The physical component of treatment is obviously an integral part of physiotherapy but it is the knowledge base that I believe is indispensable. Obviously it is a huge bonus to be able to watch people improve and observe them going from a painful state to pain-free. It can be an extremely draining job but I can honestly say I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else – I have never enjoyed it so much. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita physio? After graduating in 2007 I have spent several years travelling, working in a dozen different practices. When I made the move to Byron Bay four years ago I certainly didn’t expect to be where I am, still working in the same practice. I have never worked at such a professional, well-run practice with such amazing dedicated owners. I enjoy going to work, to engage and interact with a variety of faces. I feel like I am constantly improving and expanding my knowledge base. I feel I am a part of all advances in technology, up to date with the latest clinical evidence and knowledge base without having to live in a city. I work 4 days per week and am lucky enough to be able to travel several times per year. This gives me the perfect lifestyle balance and keeps me recharged and enthusiastic about going to work. Best relaxation tip It’s not necessarily easy but spending a few moments with our eyes closed in a peaceful environment (preferably outdoors) can be a game-changer. We all get stressed, anxious and over-whelmed and it goes against our instinct in these moments to slow down. In fact, these are our most vulnerable and important times. Whether it is in the morning or another time through the day, taking a few seconds or minutes to close our eyes and focus on nothing more than our own breathing is one of the most powerful ways to recharge. Meditation is several times more powerful and recharging than sleep. Best lifestyle tip Exercise should be one of the most important things in our lives. It isn’t regulated, we can do what we want, but whatever form we choose will result in a release of endorphin that makes us feel happy. It puts a smile on our faces and will give us a much higher quality of life. Favourite activity Jumping into the ocean. In particular to be surfing in a beautiful, isolated, possibly unfamiliar environment with just a couple of mates is very hard to beat. Favourite recipe I can’t go past Mexican. There are a thousand different recipes out there. I wouldn’t say I follow any specific recipe – it more comes down to what I have at home. Generally speaking, it would be kidney beans, onion, red capsicum, garlic with guacamole and grated lettuce and a spicy salsa (crushed tomatoes, paprika, cumin and fresh chili) laid down on a home-made tortilla under the grill, with a little coriander on top. A typical Sunday A typical Sunday for me involves doing something that is not typical. As much as routine gives us stability in our lives, my weekend are always spontaneous, never the same. I could be hanging out surfing with friends in the bay or down the coast in unfamiliar surroundings exploring and writing in solitude. I think variety really is the spice of life so I try to keep things unique, and I feel like this helps spark new thought processes and even inspiration.