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14 Tips to get a better night sleep

14 Tips to get a better night sleep


  1. Eat for sleep: your body needs whole grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables to produce melatonin and serotonin – the sleep hormones
  2. Have your last meal 2 hours before bed so that digestion is complete, your blood sugar has stabilised and your body is ready for rest and rejuvenation. Make sure you are not going to bed hungry
  3. Drink enough water so you are not waking up thirsty during the night
  4. Make a lavender spray for your pillow (with water and pure lavender essential oil) lavender produces a deeper more restorative sleep
  5. Have a hot shower or bath 1-2 hours before bed – we sleep better on a decreasing temperature. As you get out of the hot bath your temperature will slowly decrease triggering sleep hormones to kick in
  6. Put lavender essential oil and magnesium salts in the bath. Magnesium is a known muscle relaxant and will help you wind down
  7. Have plants in your room to keep the air fresh (especially if you close all the windows)
  8. Switch off all electronic devices 2 hours before bed – back lit devices prevent melatonin from being released (which is our sleep hormone)
  9. If your mind is busy try reading a book in bed to calm the mind.
  10. Check your room temperature is somewhere between 18 and 25 degrees
  11. Expose your eyes to sunshine as soon as you wake up to stop melatonin and balance the bodies sleep / wake cycle
  12. Have a sleep routine: aim to go to bed and get up at the same time every day
  13. Avoid alcohol in the evening– it might help you to get to sleep but your sleep will be lighter, disruptive, and less restorative.
  14. 10pm is when melatonin production should be at its highest – so be sure to get to bed by 10pm every night.

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