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Showing posts from tagged with: ergonomics

How to Stand with Good Posture

• Hold your head up straight with your chin in. • Ensure that your earlobes are in line with the middle of your shoulders. • Keep your shoulders back. • Push your chest out, slightly. • Keep your knees straight, but not locked. • Stretch the top of your head toward the ceiling. • Engage your abdominals, but don’t suck in or tilt your pelvis. • Carry your weight equally between the balls and heels of your feet. • Breathe naturally. Ways to Improve Posture 1. Exercise Focus on stretching tightened muscles in the chest, front of the shoulders, and hip flexors (front of the hips) as well as strengthening back, abdominal, and glute muscles. 2. Foam Roll Foam rolling, or myofascial release, is becoming much more popular, and for good reason. It is essentially like a deep tissue massage for your muscles. This is important because it allows tight muscles and fascia to loosen up so that stretching those muscles becomes easier. If you have formed bad posture of years and years of bad habit, it may be very challenging to correct it without release those over worked and tight muscles. 3. Ergonomics Ergonomics involves changing your environment to support and encourage good posture. Adding lumbar support to your chair is a good example, or even invest in a standing desk. You could also modify a tool, work station, counter height, or task to improve its ergonomics. 4. Eliminate Bad Habits You must first be conscious of these bad habits, but things such as slouching in a chair or reading while lying down are some places to start. Working under dim light is also one, it results is craning your head forward to see your work better as well as slouching. Even driving your car in a bad position can help contribute to poor posture. Did you know posture affects many areas of your life: Mood Memory Confidence Digestion Bones & Muscles Content adapted from http://blog.paleohacks.com/how-to-improve-your-posture/# Vintage posture

Ergonomics – Guidelines for healthy computer use

Guidelines for healthy computer use

  • Move and stretch every hour to promote blood flow
  • Respond to any feeling of discomfort by changing position
  • Add variety to your tasks
  • Make sure you are sitting correctly and have your workstation set up to avoid strain


  • Relax shoulders
  • Elbows at 90 degrees
  • Forearms level
  • Head upright and looking forward
  • Neck lengthened
  • Back supported by chair
  • Use a lumbar support
  • Feet fully supported on floor or footrest


  • Place items close to your position based on how often you use them. Regularly used items should be           placed within easy reach
  • If you are using the phone a lot look into a head set or speaker phone. Never cradle the phone           between the side of your head and your shoulder.


  • Adjust seat height so that feet or flat on floor or foot rest with your knees at or slightly below the           level of your hips
  • With your bottom pushed into the back of the seat, adjust the back rest height so that the lumbar           support is in the lumbar or curved area of your spine
  • Recline the back rest angle between 95-110 degrees so that both the upper and lower part of the           back is supported
  • Adjust the armrest height so that your shoulders are not elevated


  • The top of the monitor should be positioned at eye level
  • Torso must not be twisted
  • Keyboard and mouse should be just below elbow level
  • Keyboard should be centered in front of you Adjust the keyboard tit so that your wrist is in neutral (straight)
  • Monitor should be about arms length away
  • Lighting should be even and glare free