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Showing posts from tagged with: vegetables

14 Tips to get a better night sleep

14 Tips to get a better night sleep

  1. Eat for sleep: your body needs whole grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables to produce melatonin and serotonin – the sleep hormones
  2. Have your last meal 2 hours before bed so that digestion is complete, your blood sugar has stabilised and your body is ready for rest and rejuvenation. Make sure you are not going to bed hungry
  3. Drink enough water so you are not waking up thirsty during the night
  4. Make a lavender spray for your pillow (with water and pure lavender essential oil) lavender produces a deeper more restorative sleep
  5. Have a hot shower or bath 1-2 hours before bed – we sleep better on a decreasing temperature. As you get out of the hot bath your temperature will slowly decrease triggering sleep hormones to kick in
  6. Put lavender essential oil and magnesium salts in the bath. Magnesium is a known muscle relaxant and will help you wind down
  7. Have plants in your room to keep the air fresh (especially if you close all the windows)
  8. Switch off all electronic devices 2 hours before bed – back lit devices prevent melatonin from being released (which is our sleep hormone)
  9. If your mind is busy try reading a book in bed to calm the mind.
  10. Check your room temperature is somewhere between 18 and 25 degrees
  11. Expose your eyes to sunshine as soon as you wake up to stop melatonin and balance the bodies sleep / wake cycle
  12. Have a sleep routine: aim to go to bed and get up at the same time every day
  13. Avoid alcohol in the evening– it might help you to get to sleep but your sleep will be lighter, disruptive, and less restorative.
  14. 10pm is when melatonin production should be at its highest - so be sure to get to bed by 10pm every night.
download (1) MG spray

Birthday Blog – Helen – Fabulous Front Desk Team


Why do you love Pilates? I love the way Pilates makes me feel strong. It is such a great way of strengthening the body assisting with posture, body awareness and most importantly, keeping any niggles of pain at bay. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio? I am lucky in that I work 10 minutes from home and I get to work with such a great team of people. I have personally felt the benefits of Physiotherapy and Pilates and I see the improvements and positive impact that it has on our client’s lives every day, making it a very rewarding job. Best Relaxation tip: Taking a moment each day for yourself. Just stopping to take a few deep breaths, steady your mind and reset/recharge. Best Lifestyle tip: Do things you enjoy and spend time with people you enjoy being with. Favourite activity: Spending time in the kitchen and garden is quite therapeutic for me. I really enjoy cooking for family and friends and just pottering around in the garden. Favourite Recipe: My favourite foods to cook would be Greek or Mediterranean style. I make a delicious slow cooked lamb shoulder – throw the shoulder in the slow cooker with some herbs, spices and lemon and leave to cook for the day. I like to serve it with Cous Cous and a nice leafy Greek style salad. The whole family love it and it’s great for entertaining. A typical Sunday: Sundays for me usually involve a late breakfast, some quality family time and then cooking something yummy for dinner.   helly  

Melissa’s favourite Vegetable


(one of) Melissa's favourite Vegetables


Anyone who knows me will know I LOVE BROCCOLI!

It hasn’t always been the most famous green (or my favourite) but it is now being hailed as a “super food”. Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family of vegetables along with kale, cauliflower and cabbage. It is a good source of: * Vitamin c * Folate * Vitamin K * Calcium * Fibre * Beta carotene * And other antioxidants Broccoli has a high nutrient content and a low calories which makes it ideal for people watching their weight. One of the antioxidants that broccoli is rich in is called sulforaphane – this has been shown to have a protective effect on the breakdown of cartilage cells which makes it ideal for people suffering from osteoarthritis. Remember the recommended daily intake of vegetables is 5 a day. (http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/resource/australian-dietary-guidelines-recommended-daily-intakes) I include broccoli in my diet in a variety of ways:
  • Add to a green smoothie
  • Dip (raw) into hummus
  • Make a broccoli pesto dip
  • Stir into curries, stir fry and pasta sauces
  • Steam and eat with protein (and other vegetables)
Information from www.myosteolife.com.au FullSizeRender