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Showing posts from tagged with: School lunch

Lunch Box Ideas

One of the things I dread most about the kids going back to school is trying to create a healthy lunchbox (that they actually want to eat!) everyday.

We all know eating a balanced lunch will help our children remain alert and active throughout the day as well as help with their concentration and focus during learning. The lunchbox should include: * Lean protein * Healthy carbohydrates * Fresh fruit and vegetables I use a stainless steel lunchbox for my own and my children’s packed lunch with a small frozen block to keep food fresh and bacteria away. As a busy mum here are a few tips I use: * Plan all lunches on the weekend (actually I plan all my meals on the weekend) * Do groceries on the weekend * Prepare and freeze: this works well for biscuits, muffins, scrolls etc * Pack the lunchbox the night before so it is ready to grab and go in the morning Some of the lunchbox favorites in my house include: Main meal: * Wholemeal wraps or sandwiches * Rice paper rolls * Sushi   Snacks:

* Veg sticks

* Hummus

* Fruit

* Boiled eggs

* Home made popcorn

* Home made muesli bars, muffins or cookies

* Rice cakes If you are having trouble converting your children to the healthy lunchbox, encourage them to help choose and prepare their own food. Don’t forget the WATER and remember to set a good example with your own healthy lunchbox !