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Don’t Let Yourself Be Sidelined by Tennis Injuries

Don’t Let Yourself Be Sidelined by Tennis Injuries

  Tennis is one of the most popular sports throughout the world, with approximately 75 million participants worldwide. It is a sport that you can play at every age and at every level. Children can start playing from the age of 4, using softer, slower balls and smaller rackets on modified courts to make the game easier and more fun, gradually progressing to regular rackets, balls and courts. Older players can start the sport at any age and can continue playing all their life. Whether you are looking for the competitive club league tennis or a more social game amongst friends, tennis is an excellent sport with loads of health benefits. Tennis is a fun and social (as well as competitive) way to add to your weekly activity goals.

Here are some amazing benefits of participating in regular activities like tennis:

1.    Increased brain power From alertness to tactical thinking, tennis enhances the neural connections in your brain. Kids who play tennis regularly get better grades at school. 2.    Better hand–eye coordination Playing tennis involves regular skills that all contribute to good hand–eye coordination. You can improve your agility, balance, coordination, reaction time and more. This can benefit you in injury prevention where improved balance and agility can help protect against rolling an ankle or tripping and falling often resulting in sprains or Colles fracture of the wrist or worse a hip fracture in older age. 3.    Reduced stress Tennis involves physical, mental, social and emotional challenges, which increase your capacity to deal with stress. Or simply running around smashing some balls may help you to blow off some stress too! 4.    Strong heart Compared with other sports, tennis players have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease. Playing just 3 hours a week will reduce your risk of heart disease by 56%. 5.    Higher fitness levels Playing tennis on a regular basis (2–3 times/week), either singles or doubles, meets the global exercise recommendations and leads to increased fitness levels. Tennis is an excellent interval training technique - running, stopping, burst of activity then rest between points or games (which elevates and then lowers heart rate repeatedly through a match) which is proven to be hugely beneficial in improving fitness levels and in cardiovascular conditioning too. The effect is not only seen in elite players but with recreational tennis too. 6.    Leaner body Tennis is an excellent and fun way to burn calories and lose weight. An hour of singles play can burn 580–870 calories. A lower body weight has immense benefits in preventing and managing cardiovascular diseases including diabetes, and a lighter frame will reduce loading on your back and joints reducing joint pain and possible arthritis in older age. 7.    Strong bones Playing tennis on a regular basis leads to stronger, healthier bones. This effect is strongest in those who play tennis from an early age, but even if you start playing tennis later in life you can benefit from the positive effect on your bones. This is applicable to both women and men combating the development of osteoporosis a.k.a. brittle bones with ageing. 8.    Strong leg muscles Playing tennis strengthens your leg muscles, which helps maintain your mobility and independence in old age.

The Secret is Staying Injury Free

But these health benefits won’t be very fruitful is you are sitting side-lined because of injuries and while some injuries are quick to repair, others can take a couple of weeks and others may be more stubborn, taking 6 weeks or more. What’s more frustrating, and unfortunately very common, is the risk of re-injury. One of the greatest risk factors for an ankle sprain or a muscle strain (tear) is having suffered from a previous sprain or strain. Nearly 2/3rds of tennis injuries are chronic overuse injuries, many of which are caused by poor technique, incorrect equipment use and lack of physical conditioning

Acute injuries, like an ankle sprain or calf strain, although sudden and unpredictable can also be prevented with adequate preparation and appropriate conditioning. Chat to one of our friendly staff for more information on how to prevent common tennis injuries and stay in the game longer!

Postural Changes in Pregnancy

Postural Changes in Pregnancy


Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

Pelvic and Pubic Pain in Pregnancy

What cause it?

The ligaments holding the pelvic bones together become soft and stretch due to hormones (relaxin). This leads to an unstable pelvis. Pain or instability can occur at any of the pelvic joints
  • The pubic bone at the front can separate from 2 – 3 mm, this starts from as early as 8 weeks, it can separate as far as 10 mm and this is when symphysis pubis dysfunction is diagnosed.
  • The joints at the back (sacroiliac joints) also stretch making this joint unstable which causes pain and dysfunction
Changes in weight and posture also affect the position of the pelvis, which in turn makes it more difficult for the muscles to stabilise the pelvis as they are stretched and weakened. 1 in 5 women will suffer with pelvic instability with about 5% having serious problems

Symptoms Include:

  • Pain in the front or back of the pelvis, groin, buttock, thigh, hip and lower back
  • Difficulty walking or a waddling walking pattern
  •  Pain when standing on 1 leg
  •  Pain when turning or twisting
  • Rolling in bed
  •  Clicking/clunking sounds from the pelvis
  •  Pain when opening your legs

Lunchbox ideas

With the return to school one of the things I here parents complain about the most is packing lunch boxes.

Here are some tips on packing a healthy lunchbox from Fresh for Kids Top tips for a healthy lunch box
  • Always include fresh fruit and vegetables. Vary the selection to keep it interesting.
  • Offer a variety of whole grain breads, rolls, pita bread and flat breads.
  • Use avocado as a spread instead of butter or margarine.
  • Use reduced fat dairy foods. Cheese and yoghurt are ideal.
  • Kids need a serve of protein at lunchtime. Ensure you include lean meat, egg, peanut butter, chickpeas or tuna.
  • Add a chilled bottle of water and limit juice.
  Keep it fresh - packing the lunchbox It’s important to keep food in the lunch box cold to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Pack the school lunch in an insulated lunch box and include a small freezer brick or freeze a bottle of water and pop it into the lunchbox to keep food cool.   Helpful tips for adding fresh fruit and vegetables to lunch boxes
  • Kids like fresh fruit cut and ready to eat. Fruit salad is the ideal lunch box solution; it’s colourful, easy to eat and bursting with vitamins.
  • Offer different seasonal fruits each day for a change in flavour, colour and texture.
  • Freeze fruits in the summer or for sport days. Simply pop the frozen fruit into a small sealable plastic bag or airtight container.
  • If including whole fruit in the lunchbox, select fruit that is a suitable size for a child to easily hold in their hand and eat (this is particulary important for younger children).
  • Peel and slice or cut fruit if possible and choose seedless varieties of grapes, watermelon and Imperial mandarins.
  • If you’re added tomato to sandwiches, place the tomato between fillings and not directly onto the bread. This prevents the bread becoming soggy.
  • When using avocado, mash or drizzle with a little lemon or lime juice to prevent the avocado from discolouring.
  • Mild tasting and crunchy lettuce varieties like Iceberg and Oak leaf and Lebanese cucumbers are ideal for kids.
  • Add leftover (or cook extra) roast pumpkin or sweet potato to sandwiches, wraps and roll fillings. Naturally sweet and loaded with beneficial antioxidants, roast vegetables team well with a range of fillings.
  • Make salads or salad sandwich fillings interesting by using a range of vegetables like grated carrot, snow pea sprouts, lettuce or rocket or baby spinach, sliced celery, tomatoes, avocado and cucumber.
  • Use a vegetable peeler to slice cucumber or carrots into thin ribbons for sandwich fillings.

The Seven Benifits of the great outdoors

7 benefits of the great outdoors: • Clear your mind and increase brain function • Boost your happiness • Decrease stress levels • Turn on your creative flow • Fresh air and sunlight is great for your health • Exercising outdoors feels easier due to distraction and fresh air • Boost your confidence and self esteem Sounds like some great reasons to get outside for a walk today!

Fathers Day Blog

As Father’s day approaches we have taken time to reflect on the influences that our Father's have had on us.

Dan,Matt, Joel and Kai have been interviewed,  below are their responses:

Dan and Ollie B& W


The 3 things you love about being a father; 1. Being able to watch your children grow and develop into their own personalities 2. It gives you the privilege of being able to see the world again through a child's eyes. Kids teach us to see the beauty in little day to day things that often we forgot to notice in our busy lives 3. I also love being able to share things that I love with my children. I get more joy out of seeing them catch a great wave or make it to the top of a mountain hike than I would if I was doing it myself  


The most Important things my father taught me... How to drive, swim, tumble turn in the ocean and how to not catch any fish What it would mean to be a father.. Being a father  (especially for the first born) would undoubtedly be the highlight of a man's life What is your favourite tradition with my Father? Growing up it was the New Year's Test at the Sydney Cricket Ground. Favourite activity to do with my Father Favourite activity is to be out in the ocean with Dad watching him negotiate the waves on his standup paddle board What is your Dad's favorite story about you as a Child? Favourite story would be about how I was running and jumping out of the cot by the age of about one. . Who are some other important Men in my life to recognise on Father's Day? Fred Hollows / My Granddad fishing


The most Important things my father taught me... Patience If things don't make you happy don't do them Go with the flow What is your favourite tradition with your Father? Surfing and going to Farmers market in Bellingen Favourite activity to do with your Father ? Surfing and laughing with him as he goes over the falls How would you describe your Father in 3 words Classic Aussie Larrikin  What is your Dad's favorite story about you as a Child? Hiding behind his leg because I was shy Who are some other important Men you would like to recognise on Father's Day? Huey ~ God of waves Poseidon ~  God of water   poseidon-1


The most Important thing (or things) my father taught me... The most important thing my Dad has taught me is just to always try my best, try your hardest, don't worry about the outcome or results, just do your best. Dad has always had the best advice for me when I have needed it the most. Whenever I am really struggling and whenever I have faced my biggest challenges in life. Whether it was playing sport when I was younger or going through exams at University or just when it comes to big life and work decisions, Dad has always had the best advice and helped me to focus on take on any challenge the best I can. Favourite activity to do with your Father Favourite activity would probably be surfing or kite surfing with my Dad. Dad taught me to surf and kite surf and it is always awesome going out and enjoying those activities with him.

How is Stress Urinary Incontinence treated?

How is Stress Urinary Incontinence treated?

  Treatments of stress urinary incontinence are tailored to suit your individual problem.

The following should be considered:


Pelvic floor muscle strengthening 

Strengthening the supporting muscles of your bladder is very effective in helping stress urinary incontinence. Biofeedback, or the use of special computer equipment to measure muscle activity, can help improve muscle control. Electrical stimulation can also assist in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.                Deep abdominal  or core strengthening              Learning the knack – this is when you contract your pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles prior to coughing (or whatever triggers your incontinence)              Lifestyle changes             Posture             Adjusting activities e.g.- avoid jumping until your symptoms improve              Weight loss if necessary              Vaginal splinting if necessary


Studies show 85% of women with Stress Incontinence are cured with Physiotherapy treatment


To prevent urinary incontinence, you should consider the following:

               Routine performance of pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises              Cessation of smoking              Avoidance or correction of obesity, or chronic cough              Increased daily intake of fiber and fluid to prevent constipation, a risk factor for urinary incontinence              Avoidance of bladder irritants such as alcohol and caffeine              Staying physically active. Individuals who are physically active are less likely to develop urinary incontinence              Discussing the possibilities and risks of estrogen replacement therapy with your physician

Melissa’s Birthday Blog


    Why do you love Pilates: Pilates is the most effective exercise for my body. Since turning 40 my body seems to want to fall apart at every opportunity it gets, but Pilates is holding me together - keeping my muscles strong and supple.  I love teaching  Pilates and see people move from a chronic pain state to being able to do the activities they want to do in life. One of the great things about Pilates is that anyone can do it and we can tailor the exercises to give you a perfect workout whether you're an elite athlete or about to have your 90th birthday. What is the best thing about being a physiotherapist? I have been a Physio for over 20 years now and I still get such a thrill helping people: whether it is reducing pain, improving movement, helping people with exercises or empowering people to make the lifestyle changes needed to live a healthier life. Best relaxation tip: On a day to day basis focusing on slowing down the breath and breathing more gently. My favourite way to relax is a hot bath with magnesium flakes, some lavender essential oil and a cup of herbal tea  - works wonders! Best lifestyle tip: Sleep more and sleep with a regular pattern. (9.30-6.30 works for me)   A good night's sleep fixes everything! Oh and gratitude: I try to start and finish the day with thoughts of gratitude for a happier more positive mindset. Favourite activity: As long as it is in nature it doesn't matter: bush walking, surfing, strolls on the beach melissa Favourite recipe: Oh so many to choose from, I love to cook delicious and nutritious food for myself and my family. At the moment our favourite breakfast is an acai bowl, I sneak all sorts of goodies into it: acai, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocado, spinach, bananas, berries, then sprinkle it with some nuts, seeds and fruit - a great healthy start to the day. A typical Sunday: I love to get out into the sunshine first thing in the morning usually down to the beach with my family and our dog, a stretch session, then settle in to relax with breaky, a coffee and the newspaper.  The afternoon is spent outdoors, usually at the beach having a surf and playing on the beach or if the weather doesn't allow for outdoor activities curling up with the kids for a Sunday afternoon movie.   melissa 2

Mothers Day

  As Mother's day approaches we have taken time to reflect on the influences that our Mothers have had on us. All the Staff  have been interviewed and here are their responses;   Melissa What I love most about being a mother: My children bring me back to the moment and wake up my imagination: Whether it is finding shapes in clouds, watching a rainbow or chasing butterflies. I love the morning cuddles and good night squeeze tight snuggles and all the surprises like little love notes or hand made presents on my pillow, they are unconditional love!! Matt Favourite thing to do with your mother? "Meeting somewhere random in Australia or the world and enjoying the sights and sounds together - Portugal, Argentina, Peru, Canada Name an impressive moment by your Mother; "Flying to Peru by herself and hiking the Inca trail" How would you describe your Mother in 3 words ? "Worlds best Mum" Favourite story from Childhood, "When we were little, headed  off on a camping trip. After a few hours on the road, I had become disturbed enough to let Mum know that we were definitely being followed by someone (it happened to be our trailer!)" Another Mum to remember "Mother Teresa" inca_trail_tout (1) Kai  

What are the most Important thing (or things) your Mother taught you ?
"Mum always tried to teach me to have good manners and be polite, I think that was a pretty important lesson and something that I've tried to take on board." What is your favourite activity to do with your mother? "My favourite activity to do with my Mum is to go on road trips together. When I was growing up my Mum always drove me to all my sporting events and we used to spend hours and hours in the car together. We'd chat, eat lollies, listen to music and just enjoy each other's company."
 Shannon A
The most Important thing (or things) my Mother taught me...
"#1, how to lounge and the beach"
What it means to be a mother..
"To be a Mama is to be a best friend that helps guide the way with advice from life experiences"
What is your favourite tradition with your mother?
"Every holiday we take a day together to go scuba diving"
Favourite activity to do with your Mother  (Going to reuse the one from before)...scuba diving!
What is your Mum's favorite story about you as a Child?
"She was convinced I would be an IT genius, from the moment computers came out I would do all of her work and fix each problem without even a thought"
Who are some other important women in my life to recognise on Mother's Day?
"My best pal Susan, she's my 69 yo friend who has guided me over the years since I've moved overseas. I call her my Yogi Mama"
The most Important thing (or things) my Mother taught me... would be to respect others ..and to put the toilet seat down!
What is your favourite tradition and favourite activity to do with your Mum?We like to sit down and drink tea..
How would I describe my Mum in 3 words ... More words required than 3!
What is your Mum's favorite story about you as a Child? When I ate the contents of one of Mum's pot plants, then accidentally dropped it on Dad's head as he slept - I was not the favourite son that day!
Who are some other important women in my life to recognise on Mother's Day? My wife of course! Mum and Helen, Carly and Lavinia!
What are the most important things your mother taught you ? "To respect our planet Earth and to value yourself."
What is your favourite tradition with your mother?"My favourite traditions with my Mum would have to be evening beach walks and every year on our (my siblings and I) Birthdays Mum brings out our baby album and we reflect and laugh at how little we all looked and relive those moments together."
What is your favourite tradition with your mother? "My favourite activity to do with my Mother would have to be Yoga."
How would you describe your Mother in 3 words ? "Three words to describe my mum: Loving, Caring, Powerful"
What is your mum's favorite story about you as a Child? "One of my Mum's favourite stories of me as a child would have to be when I was about 8 months old and Mum and Dad took me to the Great Barrier Reef and in a yellow submarine, and when I saw all the fish I just wouldn't stop laughing. Mum said they amused me so much that I was constantly giggling, and soon many other passengers in the submarine were giggling too."
Who are some other important women in my life to recognise on Mother's Day?
"Other import women to recognise on Mothers day would have to be my Gorgeous Grandma and Grannie, my Mumma friends and of course I like to also recognise and pay my respect to Mother Earth who supports us from day one as well. May we all learn to love our Mother Earth like we do our own Mother."

Birthday Blog – Helen – Fabulous Front Desk Team


Why do you love Pilates? I love the way Pilates makes me feel strong. It is such a great way of strengthening the body assisting with posture, body awareness and most importantly, keeping any niggles of pain at bay. Why work at Pottsville and Cabarita Physio? I am lucky in that I work 10 minutes from home and I get to work with such a great team of people. I have personally felt the benefits of Physiotherapy and Pilates and I see the improvements and positive impact that it has on our client’s lives every day, making it a very rewarding job. Best Relaxation tip: Taking a moment each day for yourself. Just stopping to take a few deep breaths, steady your mind and reset/recharge. Best Lifestyle tip: Do things you enjoy and spend time with people you enjoy being with. Favourite activity: Spending time in the kitchen and garden is quite therapeutic for me. I really enjoy cooking for family and friends and just pottering around in the garden. Favourite Recipe: My favourite foods to cook would be Greek or Mediterranean style. I make a delicious slow cooked lamb shoulder – throw the shoulder in the slow cooker with some herbs, spices and lemon and leave to cook for the day. I like to serve it with Cous Cous and a nice leafy Greek style salad. The whole family love it and it’s great for entertaining. A typical Sunday: Sundays for me usually involve a late breakfast, some quality family time and then cooking something yummy for dinner.   helly