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Aquatic Physiotherapy

What is Aquatic Physiotherapy?

Aquatic physiotherapy or hydrotherapy is simply water based exercise conducted by a physiotherapist.

It utilises the beneficial properties of water such as

  • Buoyancy to aid movement
  • Turbulence to create resistance
  • Hydrostatic pressure to reduce weight bearing.

In addition, it is conducted in a heated pool (28°) which helps to reduce muscle spasm.

The benefits of Aquatic Physiotherapy

  • Promotes confidence to move and increased function
  • Encourages early and active mobilisation
  • Allows exercise for those unable to exercise on land (for example with painful OA knees)
  • Offers an environment where you can exercise with reduced pain

Aquatic Physiotherapy and Low Back Pain (LBP)

Exercise has been shown to be beneficial for sufferers of Low Back Pain. However, not everyone is able to start exercising.

Pain and stiffness often make this difficult. Aquatic Physiotherapy provides the solution.

Studies show that hydrotherapy is beneficial in reducing pain, and increasing function in patients with LBP.

In addition, pain relief from aquatic vertical traction was greater than the land-based equivalent.

Core stability can also be retrained in the pool.

Aquatic Physiotherapy and Osteoarthritis of the knee.

  • Knee OA is a prevalent condition that has a negative impact on an individual’s lifestyle.
  • Exercise has been proven to provide functional gains to people with OA.
  • Water based exercise is as effective as a land based programme in reducing pain and improving mobility.
  • Any form of arthritis may be treated in the pool.
  • Pre joint replacement conditioning is ideal in the water as often the pain limits any other form of exercise.
  • Post surgical rehabilitation for hips, knees, ankles and shoulders provides a great transition from hospital to land based exercise.

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